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Is it Permissible for a Physician to Write a Prescription on Shabbat?
Removing Hanging Fingernails and Cuticles on Shabbat
Carrying Less Than Four “Amot” in a Public Domain on Shabbat
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If One Covered a Pot of Partially Cooked Food on the Blech
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Is It Permissible to Reheat Congealed Foods?
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Is It Permissible to Place Water Next to a Fire on Shabbat?
In the Event One Added Salt to Keli Rishon on the Blech
Is It Permissible To Insert Raw Beef into Keli Rishon?
Is It Permissible to Pour Salt into a Keli Rishon?
Does a Ladle Become a Keli Rishon When Dishing Out from a Pot?
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