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May One Leave a PayPal Account Active on Shabbat?
Why is Cooking Prohibited on Shabbat?
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May a Man Recite Habdala for His Wife if He Had Already Recited or Heard Habdala?
Performing Melacha on Mosa’eh Shabbat Before Habdala
How Early on Friday Afternoon May a Woman Light Shabbat Candles Without Accepting Shabbat?
Praying Arbit Early on Friday Night
Why Do We Not Read From a Second Sefer Torah Every Shabbat?
The Order of Preference of Aliyot on Shabbat; Reciting Kaddish After Torah Reading
If One Mistakenly Recited the Weekday Amida on Shabbat
If a Person Recited the Wrong Amida Prayer on Shabbat
Crushing and Dissolving Ice on Shabbat
May One Who Owns a Vending Machine Allow it to Operate on Shabbat?
Hiring a Hazan for Shabbat
Is it Permissible to Talk on Shabbat if One’s Voice Would be Recorded?
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