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May a Person Have a Vending Machine Operate on Shabbat?
Is It Permissible to Waive a Debt on Shabbat?
Giving Gifts on Shabbat
The Prohibition of Eating a Large Meal on Ereb Shabbat
Applying a Fragrant Spray to Clothing on Shabbat and Yom Tob
Is it Permissible to Open a Clogged Drain on Shabbat?
Is it Permissible to Shower on Shabbat?
Is it Permissible on Shabbat to Lie in a Hammock Tied to a Tree?
Asking a Non-Jew On Shabbat to Open a Refrigerator or Car Door
May One Ask a Non-Jew on Shabbat to Open a Hotel Room Door With a Magnetic Card?
Asking a Gentile to Activate or Deactivate an Air Conditioner on Shabbat
Hinting to a Gentile to Perform Melacha on Shabbat
Asking a Gentile to Turn off One's Car Lights on Shabbat; Asking a Gentile to Shovel Snow on Shabbat
Moving Snow and Making Snowballs and Snowmen on Shabbat
May One Talk About Mundane Matters on Shabbat?
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