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In the Event One Does Not Have Pre-Cut Tissues in the Restroom on Shabbat
Is It Permissible to Make Ice Cubes on Shabbat
May a Non-Jew Carry from the Synagogue on Shabbat to a House for a Seuda?
Is It Permissible To Hold Dog Leash or Allow Dogs To Wear Tags on Shabbat
Hiring a Hazan, Ba’al Keri’a or Ba’al Teki’a for Shabbat or Yom Tob
Receiving Compensation for Work Done on Shabbat-2
Receiving Compensation for Work Done on Shabbat
Renting Hotel Rooms to non-Jews for Shabbat
May One Remove a Mukse Item from the Shabbat Table?
The Mukse Status of Tefillin on Shabbat
May One Continue to Handle a Mukse Item After It Was Already Picked Up?
Is it Permissible to Move Utensils and Furniture Without a Reason on Shabbat?
Is It Permissible to Use A Mukse Type Item on Shabbat To Perform A Permissible Function
Is It Permissible on Shabbat in the Public Domain to Carry a Child Who Refuses to Walk?
Is It Permissible to Read Documents and Letters on Shabbat?
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