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Use of Blech or Hotplate on Shabbat-Summary
Is It Permissible to Place a Cover on a Pot on a Blech on Shabbat?
Employing a Non-Jewish Maid on Shabbat
May a Jew Engage a Non-Jew to Invest on his Behalf on Shabbat?
May a Non-Jewish Technician Perform Repairs in a Jew’s Home on Shabbat?
Drying Dishes on Shabbat
Drying One’s Hands on a Towel on Shabbat
Cleaning Shoes on Shabbat
Using a Timer to Activate a Hotplate on Shabbat
The Difference Between Hatmana and Placing Food on a “Blech”
Hatmana: Covering Pots on the Blech
Hatmana: Foil –Placing Wrapped Foods on the Blech
Hatmana: Covering Pots on a Blech with Towels
Hatmana: Warming a Baby Bottle
Hatmana-Wrapped Foods in a Pot
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