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"Zugot’- Is The Concept of Avoiding 2 (Pairs) Proper or A Myth
Is It Permissible To Bury a Woman Next to a Man If Other Than Their Spouse
Blood On The Hands From Performing A Mitzvah
Must One Attempt to Flee Before Sacrificing His Life
Is It Permissible To Wear Gloves; Under The Chupa, Turning The Scroll of A Sefer Torah, or While Making Shechita
Is It Permissible For Father & Sons, Rabbis and Students, Etc to Go To The Mikveh Together
Taking A Portion When Making Hallah
Is It Permissible To Shave, Cut Nails, or Take A Hair Cut on Rosh Chodesh
Preferred Rituals When Reciting Birkat Ha’levana
Hitting Older Children, and Causing Others To Become Angry
Is It Permissible To Put On Tefillin At Sunset If One Forgot Earlier In The Day
Answering "Baruch Hu U’Baruch Shemo"
Pronouncing and Saying Amen
Burying a Newborn or Stillborn Infant
Notifying Somebody of a Relative's Death
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