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Must One Wear A Head Covering Even While Stationary
Does A Synagogue Lose Its Sanctity If A Serious Transgression Took Place There
Purchasing or Selling Toy Dolls
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Halachot that Reflect the Required Balance Between Joy and Fear
Must The Synagogue Chose Someone Who Is Married To Be Chazan
Moving Ovens or Stoves, Sealing Windows or Doors, and Blowing out Candles
Is It Required To Situate The Bimah In The Center of The Synagogue
May The Congregation Return An UnKosher Torah To The Hechal
May One Take a Pebble from the Western Wall as a Souvenir?
Some Laws Regarding A Tzedaka Box In One's House
Is It Permissible To Hang a Bag of Bread on a Hook
Calling a Child to Check a Sefer Torah with a Questionable Letter
Magic and Hypnotism in Halacha
Accepting A Job Even If It Is Beneath One's Dignity
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