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Reciting Birkat Ha'gomel After Childbirth
Reciting Birkat Ha'gomel in Cases of a Recurring Illness, After Fainting, and After a Failed Suicide Attempt
Leaving a Sefer Open After One Finishes Learning
Adding "U'le'chaparat Pesha" in Musaf on Rosh Hodesh During a Leap Year
Birkat Ha'ilanot- Reciting Birkat Ha'ilanot Over the Same Person's Tree Each Year
Wearing A Kippa (Yarmulke)
Extending a Greeting of "Shalom" with One's Head Uncovered
Leaving a Portion of One's Home Unfinished to Commemorate the Temple's Destruction
Hallel: When During the Day May it be Recited, and May One Interrupt to Answer "Amen"?
May a Woman Kiss a Rabbi's Hand When She Approaches for a Blessing?
Employing the Medical Remedies Mentioned in the Talmud
Allowing a Child or Woman to Affix the Sisit Strings Onto a Tallit
When Is It Required and When Is It Not Required To Allow A Kohen To Bypass Waiting On A Line
Affixing the Sisit Strings to the Tallit with the Specific Intent for the Misva
Can A Teacher Punish and Can A Teacher Demand Of Their Students To Divulge A Culprit
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