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Swallowing One’s Own Blood
Is it Permissible to Take a Haircut on a Fast Day?
Handling Food on a Fast Day
If a Parent Enters a Room Just When the Child Was About to Leave
The Severity of the Prohibition of Sherasim – Eating Insects
Must One Expectorate the Blood if His Mouth is Bleeding?
Honoring Parents When Entering or Exiting a Room and While Walking with Them; Honoring One’s Parents’ Friends and Siblings
If a Person Misses a Week of Shenayim Mikra Ve’ehad Targum
Determining the Validity of Accepted Customs
Praying While Intoxicated
Shenayim Mikra Ve’ehad Targum – Reading Targum Onkelos, and Guidelines for One Who Fell Behind
Eating a Special Meal and Wearing Special Clothing on Rosh Hodesh
Accepting Upon Oneself a Custom
Standing When One’s Parent Enters the Room
May One Build a House That Extends Higher Than the Local Synagogue?
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