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Counting a Minor Towards a Minyan
The Earliest Time for Wearing a Talit With a Beracha
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The Status of a Relative Through Marriage With Respect to Testimony
If a Witness is Related to a Litigant or to Another Witness
Birkat Kohanim – If One Recites the Amida During Birkat Kohanim; The Kohanim’s Prayers Before and After Birkat Kohanim
Reading Tehillim or Other Parts of Tanach at Night
Some Laws of Tzedaka (Charity)
Interlocking the Fingers of the Right Hand with the Fingers of the Left Hand
Removing One’s Shoes Before Going to Sleep
Learning Torah Out Loud
Saying 'Yihee Ratzon ... SheTivne (Build) Bet HaMikdash' At The End Of The Amidah After Taking 3 Steps Back
Is it Forbidden for a Kohen to be in the Same Room as Ashes of a Dead Body?
If Fewer Than Six Men at a Minyan at Minha is Not Fasting on a Fast Day
Sleeping on Clothing Can Adversely Affect One’s Memory
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