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Reciting "Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuto" Silently
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“Berachot Parties” to Bring Merit to Ill Patients
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Avoiding Anger
Shobabim – Suggestions for Maintaining a State of Purity and Avoiding Sin
May Birkat Halebana be Recited When the Moon is Covered by a Thin Layer of Cloud?
Yihud – Driving in a Car with Tinted Windows or Curtains Over the Windows
Saying "God Willing" Before Every Undertaking; the Delicate Balance Between Effort and Excessive Work (Work-A-Holics)
Some Rules About Counting Jewish Persons
The Issue of Gambling
May a Man and Woman Drive Alone Together in a Car?
Is it Improper to Date a Girl Who Has an Older Unmarried Sister?
Convening a Bet Din and Incarcerating Criminals on Shabbat
Washing One's Hands After a Haircut or After Nail-Cutting
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