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If One’s Hands Touch Somebody Else’s Hands After Netilat Yadayim
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May One Recite Hashem’s Name When Teaching a Child the Beracha?
Fast Days – Rinsing One’s Mouth with Water, Chewing Gum and Taking Pills
Ta'anit Yahid: Accepting a Personal Fast, and Eating Before Dawn on the Day of the Fast
The Intention One Must Have During Netilat Yadayim
Feeling Distressed Over the Destruction of the Bet Ha’mikdash
Is The Middle-Man Retailer Responsible For Compensation If The Mfg Is Out Of Business, and Issues Regarding Counterfeit Bills
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The Obligation to Keep Verbal Commitments
When Does Property Transfer Ownership In A Transaction
Delivering a Speech While the Torah Scroll is on the Bima
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