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Recent Daily Halachot...
May a Seller Charge a Higher Price if Payment is Delayed?
May a Lender Charge a Penalty for a Delayed Payment of the Debt?
Seizing a Debtor's Property in Lieu of Payment
Defining "Ri’bitt " (Interest)
"Ri’bit": The Prohibition Against Receiving or Paying Interest
Is It Permissible To Poach (Take Away) A Customer
The Halachic Propriety of Opening a Competing Business
Exceptions to the Rule Allowing a Neighbor the Right of First Refusal
Can a Neighbor Exercise His Right of First of Refusal if He Did Not Do So Immediately; a Business Partner's Right of First Refusal
Offering First Right of Refusal to a Partner or Neighbor
Damaging Somebody’s Property for the Purpose of Saving a Life
Is There a Liability When a Child Damages Somebody’s Property?
If One Damages Somebody’s Property In His Sleep, Under Intoxication, While Celebrating, or During a Sports Game
Liability for Damages Caused While Walking or Running in a Public Domain
The Extent of Liability for Property Damages
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