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May A Seller Compensate For Partial Defect Or Must He Issue Full Refund?
Does A Purchaser Have The Right To Return A Defective Item
Damages Caused to a Car That is Blocking a Driveway or a Street
The Status of a Witness Who Received Money to Testify
Which Transgressions Render a Person Disqualified From Serving as a Witness?
Why are Women Disqualified From Serving as Witnesses?
May a Sinner Serve as a Witness If He Thought He Was Doing a Misva When He Sinned?
The Disqualification of “Shameless” People From Serving as Witnesses
Who is Disqualified From Serving as a Witness?
Watching a Lost Item Until it is Returned to its Owner
Who Keeps Money That is Found in a Private Backyard, or in a Store?
Returning and Claiming Lost Items
Hashabat Abeda – The Obligation to Return Lost Objects
Reading “Shenayim Mikra Ve’ehad Targum”
The Importance of Avoiding Anger
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