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The Power of Speech
The Importance of Learning during the Summer
Respecting One’s Father When He Visits on Shabbat
Must One Stand for His Rabbi or Parent While he Studies Torah, Prays or Recites Birkat Ha’mazon?
When Must One Stand in His Parent’s Presence?
Standing Up for a Parent Who is One’s Student
Standing in the Presence of One’s Parent
Laws Pertaining to Meals: Etiquette for Guests and Hosts, and Torah Scholars Eating with an Am Ha’aretz
Are There Restrictions on Whom a Female Kohen May Marry?
If a Kohen Marries a Woman Forbidden for Him
May a Kohen Fly on a Plane That is Carrying a Dead Body?
May a Kohen Visit the Gravesite of a Sadik?
May a Doctor Who is a Kohen Perform Biopsies or be in the Same Room as Body Parts From a Living Person?
May a Non-Kohen Bless Somebody With Birkat Kohanim?
Reciting the Verse of “Vi’yhi Noam” Before Praying or Performing a Misva
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