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Recent Daily Halachot...
Avoiding Saying the Names of Angels and the Full Name of Satan
Respecting Parents When it Entails Great Difficulty
Respecting One’s Stepparents; Respecting Siblings
Accepting Services From a Parent
Respecting Parents After Their Passing
Standing in One’s Parent’s Honor
Must One Incur Expenses For the Misva of Honoring His Parents?
The Prohibition Against Contradicting One’s Parent
The Extent to Which the Torah Demands Respecting Parents
Acknowledging That Even Life's Misfortunes are Somehow for the Best
Collecting Interest From the Estate of a Debtor If His Inheritors are Minors
Lending Money to Gentiles on Interest
May a Renter Request a Discount in Exchange for Paying Up Front?
Receiving a Discount on Service in Exchange for Prepaying
If Somebody Owes a Worker Money But Neither of Them Has Change
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