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Recent Daily Halachot...
Buying or Fixing Clothes During the Three Weeks and Nine Days
The Special Haftarot of the Three Weeks (When Rosh Hodesh Av Falls Out On Shabbat)
Is It Permissible To Have Left Over Meat From Shabbat During The 9 Days
Making Tikun Chatzot During The Three Weeks
Is It Permissible to Listen to Music During The 3 Weeks and Throughout The Year
3 Weeks- Is It Permissible To Say Shehechiyanu During The 3 Weeks
Special Daily Halacha by Chacham David Yoseph On The Topic of The Fast of 17th of Tamuz
When Does a Mourner Resume Wearing Tefillin?
Tum’at Kohanim – The Prohibition Against Kohanim Coming in Contact With a Human Corpse
Bringing a Body to Israel for Burial
Birkat Kohanim During the Seven Days of Mourning
Abelut – Extending Friendly Greetings and Sending Gifts to a Mourner
If a Yartzeit Falls on Shabbat or Other Festive Occasion
Determining a Yartzeit
May a Person Attend a Se’udat Misva During the Twelve Months of Mourning?
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