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Swimming During the Three Weeks
Situations When Listening to or Playing Music is Permissible During the Three Weeks
Avoiding Danger During the Three Weeks
Listening to Music During the Three Weeks
May One Allow a Contractor to Continue Building a Home During the Three Weeks?
Reciting Birkat Ha’gomel on Shiba Assar Be’Tammuz and Tisha B’Ab
Do the Restrictions of the Three Weeks Apply on the Night Before Shiba Asar Be’Tammuz?
Reciting “Tikun Rahel” Every Afternoon During the Three Weeks
Habdala When Tisha B’Ab Falls on Mosa’eh Shabbat
Purchasing and Mending Clothes During the Three Weeks and Nine Days
When Precisely Do the Prohibitions of the Nine Days Begin?
Washing a Stain Off One’s Clothes During the Week of Tisha B’Ab
The Custom of Syrian Jews Not to Make Weddings During the Three Weeks
Purchasing a Home or Furniture, or Painting One’s Home, During the Three Weeks
The Three Weeks – Restrictions on Hitting and Traveling
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