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Vestot – Separating From One’s Wife When She is Prone to Becoming a Nidda
Nidda – May a Woman Perform the Seventh Day Inspection After Sunset?
Drinking From One’s Wife’s Cup When She is a Nidda
Celebrating with a Bride and Groom
Bathing After Immersing in a Mikveh
Laws of Nidda: The Hefsek Tahara Inspection
May a Man and Woman Marry if Their Fathers or Mothers Have the Same Name?
Men Immersing in a Mikveh on Ereb Shabbat
Cleaning One's Teeth Before Immersing in the Mikveh
Sleeping in Separate Beds When the Wife is a Nidda and When She Can Expect to Become a Nidda
May a Husband and Wife Sit on Each Other's Bed or Use Each Other's Linens When She is Nida?
Is A Woman Permitted To Follow The Opinion Of A Doctor Who Diagnoses Her Blood As Stemming From A Wound or From Her Impurity
Celebrating With The Bride and Groom
Eating Meat on the Day of Immersion in a Mikveh; Immersing with Braces, a Retainer or Temporary Fillings
Must a Woman Lift Her Feet While Immersing in the Mikveh?
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