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At Which Point Can a Bar Misva Boy Count Toward a Minyan?
The Obligation of Kiddush as it Applies to Men, Women, Children, and One Who Becomes Bar Misva on Friday Night
Bat Misva Celebrations
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Is A Pool Permissible For Use As A Mikveh?
Should a Woman Immerse in a Mikveh if Her Husband is Ill?
Immersing in the Ocean When There is No Mikveh
The Prohibition for a Kohen to Marry a “Zona”
Marital Relations in a Room With Tefillin, Torah Books, or a Mezuza
Removing Contact Lenses Before Immersing in a Mikveh
Is a Woman’s Immersion Valid if She Immersed With Soap Suds on Her Body?
May a Swimming Pool be Used as a Mikveh or For Netilat Yadayim?
A Bride’s Requirement to Make “Bedikot”
Nidda – Waiting Five Days Before Beginning the Seven “Clean Days”
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