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Periodically Checking Mezuzot; Placing a Mezuza in a Basement, Boiler Room and Garage
The "Yod" Knot on the Tefillin Shel Yad
If One Put on Tefillin Rabbenu Tam Thinking They Were Tefillin Rashi
Laws Concerning the Parchment Used for Tefillin
Removing One's Mezuzot Before Demolishing or Renting One's Home
Mezuzah- Is It Permissible To Wear A Mezuzah or Put A Mezuzah In A Car
The Required Intention When Making Tzitzit; Required Thoughts When Donning Tefillin
Writing the Parchments of Tefillin in Proper Sequence
Positioning the Knot of the Tefillin Shel Rosh and Kissing the Tefillin
Ensuring That the Black Side of the Tefillin Straps Faces Outward
Must the Tzitzit be Positioned the Same Way Each Day?
Is It Proper To Either Say the Beracha or Put Up a Mezuzah Again After Returning From An Extended Trip
If a Boy Ate a Meal and Recited Birkat Ha’mazon Just Before the Moment He Becomes Bar-Misva
The Pidyon Ha’ben Payment
When Precisely Does a Boy Become a Bar Misva?
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