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Recent Daily Halachot...
Affixing Mezuzot in a Short-Term Rental
Wearing the Tefillin Shel Rosh Over a Toupee
The Definition of "Left-handed" for Purposes of Tefillin
Tefillin – Looking at the Tefillin Shel Rosh Before Placing It on the Head; When to Remove the Tefillin Shel Rosh From Its Bag; The Earliest Time for Tefillin
If a Person Mistakenly Removed His Tallit From its Bag Before the Tefillin
Does One Wear Tefillin Shel Yad if His Arm is in a Cast?
Must One Wear Specifically a Woolen Tallit Katan?
The Proper Position of a Mezuza on the Doorpost
The Beracha of Yoser Or – Touching the Tefillin, and Punctuating the Phrase, “Be’safa Berura U’bi’n’ima Kedusha”
The Leather Used for the Parchment Inside the Tefillin and the Tefillin Boxes
Elul - Wishing “Le’Shana Toba” in Written Correspondence, Checking Tefillin and Mezuzot
Speaking, Answering “Amen” and Gesturing While Putting On Tefillin
Using a Mirror to Check the Placement of One’s Tefillin
The Importance of the Misva of Tefillin
One Who Mistakenly Recited “Barech Alenu” in the Amida Instead of “Barechenu”
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