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Must the Back of the Tefillin Straps be Painted Black?
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Darkening the Letters of Tefillin and Mezuzot by Adding a Second Layer of Ink
Declaring One’s Intent Before Writing Hashem’s Name in the Tefillin
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Forming a Letter in the Tefillin By Scraping Off Excess Ink
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The Sequence of Writing the Parashiyot in Tefillin Rabbenu Tam
Writing the Parashiyot of Tefillin in the Proper Sequence
Kissing the Tefillin When Putting Them on and Taking Them Off
Must One Remove His Tefillin Before Sundown?
The Tefillin Straps
Writing the Parashiyot of the Tefillin
Must the Tefillin be Perfectly Square?
If Somebody Mistakenly Put on Tefillin Rabbenu Tam Before Tefillin Rashi
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