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Is It Appropriate To Invite A Rabbi To Put Up A Mezuza In A New House
Shoud The Beracha On Tefilin Be Repeated When Putting It On Again The Same Day
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Does One Recite “Shehehiyanu” the First Time He Wears Tefillin?
Positioning the Tefillin Shel Rosh
Positioning the Tefillin Shel Yad
Reciting “Kadesh Li” and “Ve’haya Ki Yebi’acha” After Donning the Tefillin
Removing, Holding, and Respecting Tefillin
Must One Don Tefilin before Reciting Shema in the Korbanot?
Touching the Tefillin While Wearing Them; the Procedure for Repositioning, Removing and Handling Tefillin
Writing Tefillin With One’s Right Hand
Where Should a Mezuzah be Placed on a High Doorpost?
Wearing Tefillin After Sunset
Is it Permissible for a Woman to Wear Tefillin?
May a Sepharadi Wear Ashkenazi Tefillin?
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