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How Many Berachot Are Recited on Tefilin?
Must One Make Another Beracha When Changing Tefilin?
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If One Is Not Careful To Wear Tefillin
What if a Sofer Wrote an Extra Letter?
Is it Permissible to use a Light-Box with Background Print when Writing a Sefer Torah
Scoring Lines on a Klaf When Writing a Sefer Torah and Tefillin
Klaf Mashuah
The Klaf Used for Sefer Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot
Faded Ink on a Sefer Torah, Tefillin, and Mezuzot
The Proper Order When Writing the Parashot of the Tefillin and Mezuzot
Is One Required To Make A Beracha on the Mezuza When Returning To Home After An Extended Absence, And Are Mezuzot Required In A Boat, Plane, or Elevator
The Procedure for Removing One's Tefillin
Where on the Doorpost Should a Mezuza be Placed?
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