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Reciting Kaddish After Torah Learning
Must One Recite a New Beracha if He Removes His Tallit and Then Puts it On Again?
Answering “Amen” and “Baruch Hu U’baruch Shemo” During Birkat Kohanim
If One Prays Shaharit Between the Fourth and Sixth Hours of the Day
Making Up Multiple Missed Tefilot
If One Forgot to Recite Birkot Ha’shahar
The Yishtabah Prayer
If a Person Forgot to Recite “Mashib Ha’ru’ah U’morid Ha’geshem”
Birkat Kohanim – The Requirement to Recite the Beracha in a Loud Voice
May a Kohen Who Accidentally Killed Somebody Perform Birkat Kohanim?
The Seventh and Eighth Berachot of the Amida: Re’eh Na Be’onyenu and Refa’enu
Interrupting in Between “Ani Hashem Elokechem” and “Emet” at the End of Shema
Which Interruptions are Allowed During Shema and Its Blessings?
The Sephardic Custom to Gesture With One’s Hands Before the Amida
Covering One’s Eyes During the Recitation of Shema
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