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Lag Ba’omer – The Reasons for Celebrating; Reciting Yehi Shem, Visiting Meron, and Other Customs
The Custom of Giving a Boy His First Haircut at Age Three
Visiting Meron on Lag Ba’omer
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Shaving and Haircutting on Lag Ba'omer That Occurs on Friday
Is It Permissible for Sephardim To Take A Hair Cut On The 33rd Day Of The Omer When The 34th Day Falls Out On Shabbat
Sefirat Ha'omer – A Person Who is Unsure Whether He Counted
May Women and Children Take Haircuts During the Omer Period?
Sefirat Ha'omer – May Women Count the Omer?
If a Person Reads a Text Message Informing Him of the Omer Counting, May He Still Count with a Beracha?
Sefirat Ha’omer – The Proper Way to Respond if Somebody Asks Which Day to Count
Guidelines for One Who Forgets to Count the Omer or Cannot Remember if He Counted
Sefirat HaOmer: If One Counted the Days but Not the Weeks
Sefirat Ha’omer – If a Person Counted Either the Days or Weeks Incorrectly
If One Forgets or Doesn't Remember If He Counted The Omer
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