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Recent Daily Halachot...
The Sandak at a Berit Mila
Reciting the Beracha of “Yesimcha Elokim Ke’Efrayim Ve’chi’Menasheh” at a Berit
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The Practice That a Mohel Serves as Hazzan on the Day of a Berit
Berit Mila – The Custom to Place the Foreskin in Earth
Is There a Concept of “Sandak” at the Berit Mila of an Adult?
Scheduling a Berit Mila if it Cannot be Performed on the Eighth Day
Determining the Time of Birth with Respect to Berit Mila; Scheduling a Berit Mila for a Child Born Late Friday Afternoon
Reciting She’hehiyanu at a Berit Mila
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Berit Mila – When Does the Father Recite the Beracha “Le’hachniso Bi’brito Shel Abraham Abinu”?
Must the Father Formally Appoint the Mohel as His Agent?
Which Skin Must be Removed for a Berit Mila to be Valid?
Omitting Tachanun and Reciting Yehi Shem on the Day of a Brit Milah
If Two Brothers Died as a Result of Berit Mila
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