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Recent Daily Halachot...
The Halachic Status of Non-Jewish Brandy, and of Wine Containing Other Ingredients
The Status of Wine Touched by a Non-Jewish Child; The Status of Products that May Have Been Mixed with Non-Jewish Wine
Setam Yenam – The Severity of the Prohibition Against Non-Jewish Wine
Setam Yenam – The Prohibition Against Drinking the Wine of Non-Jews
To What Temperature Must Wine be Heated to be Considered “Mebushal”?
The Status of Utensils Used by a Gentile for Cooking
Does the Prohibition of “Bishul Akum” Apply to Tuna Fish?
May One Eat Food Cooked by a Non-Jew if a Jew Kindled the Fire?
Eating Dairy at a Meat Meal Six Hours After Eating Meat; Starting a Dairy Meal Within Six Hours of Eating Meat
What is the Status of Parve Food Cooked in a Meat or Dairy Pot?
Converting Meat Utensils Into Dairy Utensils Through Hag’ala
May One Eat Fish with Milk or Other Dairy Products?
Kashrut of a Giraffe
Selling a Gid Ha'nashe to a Gentile, and Using it to Stitch the Parchment of a Sefer Torah
Washing One's Hands in Between Fish and Meat; Drinking Water Immediately After Eating Fish
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