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Non-Mevushal Wine Which is Moved or Touched by a Non-Jew (Summary)
May One give a Bottle of Non-Kosher Wine to a Non-Jew?
Is Rice Which is Cooked by A Non-Jew and then Dried-Out Permissible?
Treating Leftover Bread With Respect
An Explanation of Mevushal Wine
Wine Touched by Muslims Who Practice Monotheism
Cooking Dairy in a Meat Pot
The Prohibition of Poultry and Milk Together
The Prohibition of Meat and Milk Together
Kashrut: Deliveries of Fish
If a Non-Jew Pours a Cup of Wine, Does the Wine Remaining in the Bottle Become Forbidden?
If a Non-Jew Touched Kosher Wine Intentionally to Make it Forbidden; The Status of Wine Looked Upon by a Non-Jew
The Status of Kosher Wine That Was Mixed With Non-Jewish Wine
Under What Circumstances Does Wine Becomes Forbidden When it is Handled by a Gentile?
The Definition of Yayin Mebushal and the Status of Pasteurized Wine
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