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In The Event One Forgot To Make Eruv Tavshilin, But Remembered While In Shul Right Before Yom Tov Began
Lighting a Gas Stove on Yom Tob
Carrying on Yom Tob
Is it Permissible to Squeeze Fruits on Yom Tob?
Is it Permissible to Cook for a Gentile on Yom Tob?
The Egg and Bread Set Aside for Erub Tabshilin
Yom Tob Candle Lighting: The Proper Time for Lighting, Reciting the Beracha Before Lighting
If a Person Did Not Recite Habdala on the Night After Yom Tob
Preparing Freshly-Squeezed Juice on Yom Tob
Laundry on Chol Ha'mo'ed
Hol HaMoed- Is It Permissible To Play Instruments, or for Ladies To Take Hair Cuts, or To Put On Make Up On Hol HaMoed
Is It Permissible For A Baal Mitzvah To Take A Hair Cut On Hol Ha’Moed
Is It Permissible To Prepare Floating Wicks on Yom Tov In Preparation for Lighting
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Hol Hamoed- Is It Permissible To Have Your Car Repaired On Hol Hamoed
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