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How is the Rabbi’s Erub Tabshilin Able to Cover All Members of His Congregation?
Can One Rely on the Rabbi’s Erub Tabshilin?
If a Person Remembers During Minha That He Forgot to Prepare an Erub Tabshilin
Which Preparations for Shabbat Become Allowed Through the Erub Tabshilin?
Which Kind of Cooked Food Items May be Used for the Erub Tabshilin?
Preparing a Baked Food Item and a Boiled Item For Erub Tabshilin
Introduction to Erub Tabshilin
May a Visitor to Israel Perform a Berit Mila on the Second Day of Yom Tob?
Measuring Food Ingredients on Yom Tob
Carrying Keys to the Synagogue for Arbit at the End of Yom Tob
Does One Tear Keri’a at a Family Member’s Funeral on Hol Ha’mo’ed?
Laws Regarding Electric and Fire on Yom Tov
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Using a Tape Recorder on Shabbat and on Hol Ha’mo’ed
Is It Permissible To Take Medicines on Yom Tov That Are Forbidden On Shabbat
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