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Cases Where One Eats a Fruit Followed by a Food Which Requires "Ha'etz" According to Some Authorities
Reciting a Beracha Before Eating Shells or Peels
Reciting a Beracha Before Drinking Olive Oil
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Holding The Talet When Reciting The Beracha
May One Recite Netliat Yadayim In Shul If He Forgot But Washed At Home
Can One Recite Boreh Nefashot If He Does Not Have The Ability To Say Meen Shalosh When Required
Is One Permitted To Recite Birkat Ha’levana or Asher Yatzar For A Friend If The Friend Answers Amen
Does One Recite a Beracha Before Smelling a Lemon?
The Order of Beracha Rishona When Eating a Mezonot, Etz, and Adama
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The Beracha Recited Upon Seeing a Rainbow
Is It Proper For Sephardim To Make HaMotzih on Shabbat on Halah That Contains Strong Sweeteners
Reciting Birkat Ha'gomel When Experiencing Temporary Relief From a Chronic Illness, Upon Being Saved From Drowning, and After Parachuting
Reciting Birkat Ha'levana When a Thin Cloud Covers the Moon
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