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Does One Make Beracha Acharona If Immediately Followed By Netilat Yadayim, HaMotzih, and A Meal With Birkat HaMazon
If a Person is Uncertain Whether He Recited Birkat Ha'mazon
If a Person Mistakenly Recited 'Al Haetz' Instead of 'Al Hamiheya', One Who Cannot Remember Whether He Recited 'Al Hamiheya'
If a Person Mistakenly Recited Birkat Ha'mazon Instead of "Al Ha'miheya"
The Proper Sequence When One Must Recite Both "Al Ha'etz" and "Bore Nefashot"
Does One Recite a Beracha Over Coffee Drunk at the End of a Bread Meal?
Does One Recite a Beracha Over Baked Pastries Eaten for Dessert at a Bread Meal?
The Text Recited in the Conclusion of the "Beracha Me'en Shalosh"
Defining the Term "Beracha Me'en Shalosh"
Which Beracha Does One Recite Over Fruits and Vegetables Grown in a Pot or Grown Through Hydroponics?
If One Recited a Beracha Over Food at a Time When Eating is Forbidden, Should He Take a Bite?
Does One Recite a Beracha if He Eats on a Personal Fast Day, or if He Eats Stolen Food?
Does One Recite a Beracha if He Eats Before Reciting Kiddush on Shabbat or Before Praying in the Morning
Reciting a Beracha Acharona After Partaking of a Half-Ke'zayit of Apples and a Half-Ke'zayit of Grapes, or a Half-Revi'it of Wine and a Half-Revi'it of Water
One Who Mistakenly Recited "Ha'adama" Over Meat or Mushrooms
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