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Recent Daily Halachot...
If Someone Began Reciting a Beracha With the Intention of Reciting the Wrong Beracha
One Who Forgot to Add “Reseh” in Birkat Hamazon on Shabbat
The Water for Mayim Aharonim; Washing Mayim Aharonim After Touching Salted Foods
A Person Who Fell Asleep During a Meal and Then Wishes to Continue Eating
If Two People Ate a Meal and Were Joined by a Third Person Just Before Birkat Hamazon
Reciting Ha’tob Ve’ha’metib Over Wine
Washing One’s Hands After Touching His Feet or Shoes
Must One Recite Birkat Hagomel After Surviving a Near-Fatal Accident?
Reciting a Beracha Over Forbidden Food
If a Group of Ten People Recited a Zimun Without Adding “Elokenu”
If a Person Recited Birkat Ha’mazon Before the Zimun
Covering or Removing the Knives from the Table for Birkat Ha’mazon
Reciting the Beracha of Hamosi Over Bread
Fingernails and Netilat Yadayim
Netilat Yadayim: Reciting the Beracha After Drying the Hands; Speaking in Between the Washing and Drying
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