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Must One Wash His Hands Before Eating an Oily Donut, Vegetable Soup, Cereal with Milk, or a Food Dipped in Melted Butter?
Netilat Yadayim – If a Person Forgot to Recite the Beracha Until After He Dried His Hands; a Person With a Bandage or Cast
If a Woman Cannot Remember Whether She Recited Birkat Hamazon After a Meal
Birkat Ha’Torah
Does One Recite a Beracha Aharona After Eating/Drinking Scotch, Hot Coffee, Ice Cream or Ices?
Interrupting During Birkat Hamazon
Washing One’s Hands After Bathing or Entering a Restroom
Reciting Zimun if Two Out of the Three Men Wish to Leave
Reciting Birkat Hamazon After Eating a Large Quantity of Mezonot Food
Why is There No Beracha Aharona Recited After Smelling Something Fragrant?
The Proper Procedure for Reciting Birkat Ha’re’ah
If a Person Forgot the Insertion for Shabbat or Yom Tob in the Beracha Me’en Shalosh
Reciting a Beracha with Proper Pronunciation, with Concentration and Audibly
If One Ate Two Foods Requiring a Me’en Shalosh and Boreh Nefashot
Reciting a New Beracha If More Fruit Was Unexpectedly Served
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