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Changing Places Within the Same Room During a Meal
Does One Recite a Beracha Before Eating Forbidden Food
The Beracha Over Sweet Bread
Does One Recite “Modeh Ani” in the Morning if He Was Awake Throughout the Night?
The Beracha Aharona if One Ate Cake and Rice
A Child's Obligation with Respect to Birkat Hamazon
A Beracha Recited by an Ashkenazi Which Sepharadim Do Not Recite
Determining the Quantity of "Ke'zayit" in Some Common Snack Foods
The Berachot Before and After Eating Cake and Coffee
Using a Microphone for Zimun
Does One Recite a Beracha Before Eating Ice Cream or Ices for Dessert?
The Minimum Quantity Requiring a Beracha Aharona in Some Common Foods
If There Is No Wine Available for Havdallah
If One Ate as He Drove, Must He Recite a New Beracha at His Destination?
Talking and Answering Amen Before Eating But After Making A Beracha Rishona
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