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Recent Daily Halachot...
The Beracha When Eating Fish on a Cracker
The Obligation to Eat Bread on Shabbat, and the Guidelines for One Who Forgot to Add “Reseh” in Birkat Hamazon on Shabbat
Mentioning the Altar in the Beracha “Me’en Shalosh”
The Procedure for Netilat Yadayim; If One Forgot to Recite the Beracha Before Drying His Hands
Does One Recite a Beracha When Walking Near a Cemetery?
Which Beracha Does One Recite Before Smelling a Lemon?
Does One Recite a Beracha Over Music?
Does One Recite a Beracha When Smelling Synthetic Perfume?
Ensuring Proper Attire for the Recitation of Birkat Ha’mazon
Must a Guest Recite the Prayer for the Host if He Pays for His Meal?
When Must One Wash Mayim Aharonim, and How Much of the Hand Must be Washed?
Must One Wash His Hands Before Eating Cereal in Milk, or Cake Dipped in Coffee?
Why Does One Recite "She'hakol" Over Beer, Coffee and Tea?
Determining the Minimum Amount of Food Requiring a Beracha Aharona
Must One Repeat the Beracha Recited Over a Food or Beverage if He Changes Locations?
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