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Recent Daily Halachot...
If Somebody Left After Eating Without Reciting Birkat Ha’mazon
Lifting and Holding the Cup of Wine During Birkat Ha’mazon
The Recitation of Birkat Ha’mazon
With What Hand Does a Left-Handed Person Hold the Cup of Wine During Birkat Ha-mazon?
Using a “Defective” Cup of Wine if No More Wine is Available
Using a Cup From Which One Had Drunk for “Kos Shel Beracha”
When Should Birkat Ha’mazon be Recited Over a Cup of Wine?
Performing Netilat Yadayim with Cloudy Water
Must One Dry His Hands Before Washing Netilat Yadayim?
The Importance of Netilat Yadayim After Waking
The Beracha of Asher Yasar after Using the Bathroom
Giving Praise to Hashem Before Blessing Others
Studying The Laws of Berachot-When Eating Grapes & Peanuts
If a Person Mistakenly Recited “Al Ha’mihya” Instead of “Mezonot” Before Eating, or “Boreh Nefashot” Instead of “Al Ha’mihya” After Eating
If One Mistakenly Recited “Al Ha’mihya” Instead of Birkat Ha’mazon
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