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Making a Zimun When a Third Person Joins After the First Two Finished Eating
Can People Form a Zimun if One Person’s Food is Forbidden for the Others?
When is Birkat Ha’mazon a Torah Obligation?
Can People Sitting at Separate Tables Join Together for a Zimun?
Birkat HaMazon If One Ate a Ke’zayit of Bread Slowly, Over the Course of an Extended Period
Kavana During Birkat Ha’mazon
Must the One Who Leads Birkat Ha’mazon Hold the Cup Throughout the Sheba Berachot?
“She’hakol” and “Boreh Nefashot” if One is Drinking Intermittently in One Location
Using for Kiddush or Birkat Ha’mazon a Cup of Wine From Which One Had Drunk
If the Group or Part of the Group Recited Birkat Ha’mazon Without a Zimun
If Three People Ate Together and One Needs to Leave Early
Should Abridged Texts of Birkat Ha’mazon be Printed in Siddurim?
Making a Zimun When a Third Person Joined After the First Two Finished Eating
The Importance of Using a Cup of Wine for Birkat Ha’mazon; Adding Three Drops of Water to the Cup
If One Ate Half a “Ke’zayit” of Fruit Requiring “Al Ha’etz,” and Half a “Ke’zayit” of Other Fruit
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