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The Beracha Over Cooked Fruits and Vegetables
If People Recited the First Three Words of Birkat Ha’mazon Without a Zimun, and Then Realized Their Mistake
May One Use a Microphone for a Zimun?
The Beracha on Coffee
What Beracha Does One Recite on “Mebushal” Wine?
Does One Recite a Beracha on Unhealthy Foods?
The Beracha Over Chocolate
The Beracha Over Green Tomatoes; the Beracha Over Seeds
The Beracha on Crushed Fruits or Grains – Cornflakes, Apple Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Amardeen, Peanut Butter, Falafel Balls, Popcorn, Humus and Tehina
Which Beracha Does One Recite When Drinking Straight From a Fruit?
Birkat Ha’ore’ah – The Guest’s Blessing for His Host
Zimun When One Member of the Group Finished Eating Before the Others
Insights on “Reseh Ve’hahalisenu”
The Rule of “Tadir” in Birkat Ha’mazon and the Amida
Answering to a Zimun if One Did Not Eat
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