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If a Person Prayed or Recited a Beracha Without a Kippa
If One Thought the Words of a Beracha in His Mind, Without Verbalizing Them
If it Cannot be Determined Whether a Fruit Requires “Ha’etz” or “Ha’adama”
If One Recited the Wrong Beracha Over a Fruit or Vegetable
The Beracha Over a Chocolate Bar With Nuts, and Over Coated Nuts
Which Beracha Does One Recite Over Sugar-Coated Almonds?
The Beracha of “She’ha’kol”
The Beracha Over Papaya, Banana, Pineapple, and Passion Fruit
The Beracha Over Eggplant, Papaya, Banana, Pineapple and Passion Fruit
Answering to a Zimun if One Did Not Eat
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Women’s Obligation in Birkat Ha’mazon
Reciting a Beracha When Eating a Fruit and a Sugar Candy
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