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Berachot When Having Coffee and Cake
The Beracha for Mashed Potatoes, Eddge, French Fries, Pringles, and Potato Chips
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Leaving Bread on the Table for Birkat Ha’mazon
Does One Recite “Ha’mosi’ on Bread in Soup?
The Beracha Aharona Over Wine Produced in Israel
Eating Dessert After Birkat Ha’mazon on Shabbat to Add Berachot
If One Dropped the Piece of Food Immediately After Reciting the Beracha
Reciting Berachot if One is Drinking or Eating Small Amounts Throughout the Day
Does a Beracha Recited Over a Fruit Cover Another Fruit That is Considered Superior?
If One Recited a Beracha Over Food and Then More Food Was Served
Must One Recite a Beracha Over Wine Drunk During a Meal?
If One Mistakenly Recited a Beracha Over Food When Eating is Forbidden
Does the Beracha of “She’ha’kol” Recited Over Food Cover Beverages?
An Incorrect Beracha That Was Immediately Corrected
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