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Lifting One’s Heels When Reciting “Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh”
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When Should Kohanim Make Their Way Towards The Front To Make Birkat Kohanim
Rolling the Sefer Torah; Leaving the Synagogue Before the Sefer Torah is Returned to the Hechal
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May One Donate a Scarf to be Used as a Mitpahat For the Sefer Torah?
The Prohibition Against Touching the Parchment of a Sefer Torah Barehanded
The Prohibition Against Speaking During the Torah Reading
If a Mistake is Found in the Sefer Torah During the Reading
Preparing the “Keri” and “Ketib”
If the Gabbaim Know That Somebody Who Pledged Money is Unable to Pay
When During Birkat Kohanim Do the Kohanim Turn to Face the Congregation, and When Do They Lift Their Hands?
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