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The Beracha of Yogurt Mixed With Fruit or Granola
Does One Recite a Beracha Over a Beverage If He is Thirsty Only Because of Something He Ate?
Must One Recite Two Berachot When He Eats a Cracker With a Topping?
The Proper Sequence When Eating Different “Mezonot” Foods, and When Eating a “Mezonot” Food With Fruit
The Status of Date Honey, Beer and Whiskey With Regard to the Sequence of Berachot
The Proper Sequence of Berachot When One Eats Two Fruits or Vegetables
The Order of Precedence When Eating Several Different Types of Food
Giving Precedence to the Special Fruits of Eretz Yisrael
“Peri Ha’gefen” or “Feri Ha’gefen”; The Proper Beracha Over Cognac
Reciting Berachot Over Fruit Eaten as Dessert
The Text of Al Ha’mihya For Products Made From Grains Grown in Israel
“Beriya” – If One Eats a Whole Grape, Nut or Olive Smaller Than a “Ke’zayit”
Does One Recite a Beracha on Ice Cream Which is Served During a Meal?
What Quantity of a Beverage Requires the Recitation of a Beracha Aharona?
Within How Much Time Must One Eat a “Ke’zayit” For a Beracha Aharona to be Required?
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