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Does One Recite a Beracha Over a Secondary Food That Was Brought Only After He Recited the Beracha Over the Primary Food?
If One Eats the Secondary Food Before the Primary Food
The Beracha Over Cereal with Milk, and Yogurt with Fruit
If One Recited a Beracha Over a Cracker With Cheese, and Some Cheese Was Left Over
If a Person Changes His Mind and Decides Not to Eat After Listening to a Beracha
If a Person Mistakenly Concluded “Al Ha’mihya” With the Words “Al Ha’perot”
Fulfilling One’s Requirement by Listening to a Beracha Recited by Another Person
The Requirement of “Shem U’malchut” in a Beracha
Does the Beracha of “Gefen” Cover Other Beverages if One Does Not Intend to Drink More Wine?
Halachot Concerning the Berachot Over Wine, Fruit Juice and Coffee
Does One Recite a Beracha Over Beer or Whiskey Drunk During a Maal if HaMosi Was Recited?
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Must One Recite a Beracha Over Water or Wine During a Meal Where One Recited Ha'motzi?
Is Wine Still Considered A ‘Bore Peri HaGefen’ And Acceptable for Kiddush If It is Diluted
The Sequence of Berachot When Eating Cake With Coffee
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