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Does One Answer “Amen” to a Child’s Beracha?
Does the Beracha of Kiddush Cover Beverages That One Drinks Subsequently?
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Must One Recite a Beracha Before Tasting Food?
The Beracha Over Products Made From Potato Starch or Corn Starch; The Beracha Over Bamba and Marzipan
Reciting a Beracha Upon Seeing the Site of a Personal Miracle
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Reciting a Beracha Before Smelling Fragrant Fruits, Plants, and Foods
Reciting a Beracha Before Smelling Incense or Fragrant Oil
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Does One Answer “Amen” if He Did Not Hear the Beracha, or to a Beracha He Heard Via Broadcast?
The Importance of Answering Amen
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If a Person Mistakenly Omitted One of the Words in the Phrase “Baruch Ata Hashem Elokenu Melech Ha’olam”
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