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Recent Daily Halachot...
Must Rings Be Removed Before Netilat Yadayim?
Netilat Yadayim: Washing Without a Utensil, With Liquids Other Than Water, and With Hot Water
If One Forgot to Recite the Beracha of “Al Netilat Yadayim” Before Drying His Hands
May a Person Answer “Amen” After Washing Netilat Yadayim But Before Drying His Hands?
Saying Birkat Hagomel Within 3 Days and Laws of Birkat Hagomel Following A Sickness
Reciting Asher Yasar to Avoid Sickness
Reciting 100 Berachot Each Day To Protect From A Plague
Reciting a Beracha Over a Whole Food Product
If a Person Ate an Amount of “Mezonot” Food Requiring Birkat Ha’mazon, and Cannot Remember if He Recited Birkat Ha’mazon
The Time-Frame Within Which Consuming a Large Amount of Cake or Cookies Requires Birkat Ha’mazon
Reciting Ha’mosi and Birkat Ha’mazon Over “Pat Ha’ba’a Be’kisnin”
Must a Person Recite Birkat Ha’gomel After Swimming in the Ocean?
May Birkat Ha’gomel be Recited at Night?
If One Ate Fruit for Dessert After the Table or Tablecloth Was Removed
Which Beracha Does One Recite Over Garlic?
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